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G. F. Handel: Giulio Cesare (Internationale Händel Festspiele-Goettingen) 

13/5-22/5 Deutsches Theater-Göttingen 
"What distinguishes Petrous' music-making with the extraordinarily supple festival orchestra can also be experienced on stage: courageous approach, balance of attention to detail and wide breath, and finally the desire for stylistic freedom."
Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung
"Petrou knows how to heighten the dramatic tension and the cleverly dosed comedy never evades the emotion"
"George Petrou knows how to increase the dramatic tension in his production and to intersperse comedic moments in a skilfully dosed manner."
A co-production between the Nederlandse Reisopera and the International Handel Festspiele-Gottingen 
George Petrou-Stage director/conductor
Paris Mexis-Set and costume designer 
Stella Kaltsou-Light designer 
Cesare: Xavier Sabata (Reisopera)/Yuri Mynienko (Göttingen) 
Cleopatra: Sophie Junker 
Cornelia: Francesca Ascioti 
Sesto: Katie Coventry 
Tolomeo: Nicholas Tamagna 
Achilla: Riccardo Novaro 
Nireno: Rafal Tomkiewicz
Curio: Arthur Janda